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    Custom input in HTML using Javascript and JQuery

      Admin     2888        0        Report content

    If you want to add your own style to the input such as chechkbox, radio and dropdown, you use the functions as shown below:

    For adding style in checkbox:

        function customCheckbox(checkboxName){
            var checkBox = $('input[name="'+ checkboxName +'"]');
                $(this).wrap( "" );

    You can customized the style class above based on your needs.
    For radio type:

        function customRadio(radioName){
            var radio = $('input[name="'+ radioName +'"]');
                $(this).wrap( "" );
                    } else {
        function customDropdown(dropdownId){
            var ddlWrapId = '#'+dropdownId+'_wrap';
            var dropdownId = '#'+dropdownId;
            var selectedInputId = '';
            var selectedTextId = '';
                selectedInputId = '#'+$(ddlWrapId).find('input').attr('id');
                selectedTextId = '#'+$(ddlWrapId).find('span').attr('id');
            $(document).on("click",ddlWrapId+" ul li",function(){
                if($(this).find('input').attr('name') === $(ddlWrapId).find('ul li input').attr('name')){
                    var stateCounty = $(selectedInputId).val().split('#');
                var clickedOn = $(e.target);
                if (!clickedOn.parents().andSelf().is(ddlWrapId)){
        function customTextBox(textBoxName){
            //get default value
            var textBoxValue = $("input[name='"+textBoxName+"']").val();
            //set input text empty on focus
                if(this.value == textBoxValue){
            var buttonClicked = false;
                function () { buttonClicked = true; },
                function () { buttonClicked = false; }
            //restore input text with default value on focusout
                if($(this).val() == '' && !buttonClicked){




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