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    How to get the swipe direction in LibGDX?

      Admin     5445        0        Report content

    This is my own coding and it will have some bugs or error but until now its still running well on my apps. Firstly, create a class for handling device input and name it as inputhandler.


    public class InputHandler implements InputProcessor {
      private int downX;
      private int downY;
      public boolean touchDown(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) {
        downX = screenX;
        downY = screenY;
        return true;
      public boolean touchUp(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) {
      gameHandler.onSwipe(screenX, screenY, downX, downY);
      return true;

    This is just a part of my coding, you should add all the required unimplemented methods and don’t forget to add the necessary Import function or just press Ctrl + o
    In your game handler, for example in gameHandler class put this code

    public class gameHandler {
       public void onSwipe(int X, int Y, int downX, int downY) {
       String direction = "";
       if(Math.abs(X-downX) > Math.abs(Y-downY)){
          if(X > downX){
            direction = "right";
          } else if(X < downX){
            direction = "left";
         if(Y > downY){
            direction = "down";
         } else if(Y < downY){
            direction = "up";

    downX and downY will be the initial position when finger touching the screen while X and Y is the current position when finger touch up the screen. By using this value we can defined the swipe direction.


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