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    Understanding the Model-View-Controller (MVC) Programming Pattern

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    What is MVC?

    MVC programming pattern is a web development approach or framework well termed as the Model-View-Controller. MVC designs give emphasis on isolation of development and design architecture, hence resulting in loose maintainable and coupling (relationship strength between modules) of codes.

    Why use MVC?

    MVC Patterns has several benefits over other conventional programming methodologies like the page based approach:

    a) Development

    Loose coupling means different constituents can be developed in segregation without any reliance on the other modules as well obstacles in one module doesn’t affect the design of others.

    b) Testability

    This framework makes testing and analysis of a specific component or module easy owing to the loosely coupled nature. If a specific component test is dependent on the output of a different module then a mock component can be developed that would present a mock input to the component under a test. 

    c) Maintenance

    MVC results into a highly maintainable lines of codes. The loose coupling feature offers an easy replacement or substitution of the modules. Modifications made to one component, despite the complexity, it doesn’t affect the other modules.

    Model-View-Controller Architecture

    MVC Structural design consist the following components:

    a) The Model

    This is the core to business logistics. The model captures the behaviors and properties of a domain entity and discloses the assets that refer to the entity. 

    b) The View

    The view presents the application to the user. Fundamentally it signifies presentation of the application visually in form of XML or HTML or even spreadsheets. Display aspect of the application is the primary objective here, business logic shouldn’t be implemented here.

    c) The Controller

    The controller finally acts between the model and the view thus coordinating the model and the view. It’s responsible for user input using the view and transmits the input to the model and then the output is presented by the controller via the view to the user.

    In comparison to many other development platforms it’s important to explore more features on MVC:

    What’s new in MVC?

    In regard to MVC predecessors, the most important updates are enlisted below:

    a) Asynchronous Controllers

    Asynchronous controllers’ means, if a process or a thread is ideal in processing a specific request then this thread could be allocated another request thus enhancing resource utility proficiency.

    b) Display Modes

    Presently, websites are not only visited using computers but also by means of numerous types of mobile devices like mobile phones. Well MVC delivers display modes optimized to suit all these devices and even more.

    c) Bundling and Minification

    MVC also makes available smart use of client side assets like style sheets and scripting so that the time taken for downloads is minimized.

    d) Web Api (application programming interface)

    Web API, is useful in exchanging facts and figures between a website by sending or receiving data.


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